285 research outputs found

    Du super-héros au pÚre symbolique dans le roman graphique américain : une étude de David Boring de Daniel Clowes et de Jimmy Corrigan de Chris Ware

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    Le roman graphique, courant de la bande dessinĂ©e amĂ©ricaine, a rĂ©cemment fĂȘtĂ© ses trente ans. Ce format se caractĂ©rise d'abord par une rupture radicale avec la tradition du comic book, genre dominant du siĂšcle dernier. Par contre, nous remarquons que certains romans graphiques parus rĂ©cemment se rĂ©approprient des Ă©lĂ©ments clĂ©s du comic book et les rĂ©intĂšgrent Ă  leurs rĂ©cits. En rĂ©sultent des oeuvres qui continuent Ă  prĂ©senter des caractĂ©ristiques formelles et thĂ©matiques originales, tout en multipliant les clins d'oeil. Au-delĂ  de la reprise de certains Ă©lĂ©ments, quelques auteurs se permettent une importante\ud rĂ©Ă©criture de la tradition et prĂ©sentent une vĂ©ritable dĂ©construction du « folklore » de la bande dessinĂ©e. L'Ă©tude de deux romans graphiques phares nous permet d'approfondir cette observation. Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth, de Chris Ware, et de David Boring, de Daniel Clowes, offrent plusieurs similaritĂ©s. Notamment, l'inclusion Ă  leur trame narrative de la figure du super-hĂ©ros, porte-Ă©tendard du comic book traditionnel. Dans les oeuvres de Clowes et Ware, cette figure subit de grandes transformations, perdant la plupart de ses caractĂ©ristiques gĂ©nĂ©riques. Les atteintes faites Ă  cette figure sont nombreuses et nous nous Ă©loignons considĂ©rablement du personnage positif et surpuissant auquel nous avons Ă©tĂ© habituĂ©s. Ces oeuvres prĂ©sentent\ud des ĂȘtres inadĂ©quats, impuissants et immoraux. Leur Ă©tude nous indique que le motif du super-hĂ©ros s'associe Ă  une autre figure: celle du pĂšre absent. Dans ces romans graphiques, le quotidien de deux fils abandonnĂ©s est dĂ©peint. Ainsi, Ă  la maniĂšre des thĂ©ories psychanalytiques indiquant que le pĂšre est d'abord une instance symbolique, le personnage du super-hĂ©ros sert de « palliatif » et constitue une version symbolique du pĂšre absent. L'emprunt de cette figure Ă  la tradition permet donc Ă  ces romans graphiques de faire le pont entre l'enfance et l'Ăąge adulte de leurs personnages et de les affranchir comme sujets. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Roman graphique, Comic book, Super-hĂ©ros, PĂšre symbolique, LittĂ©rature amĂ©ricaine, Chris Ware, Daniel Clowes

    Le gaz ionisé diffus dans les galaxies spirales

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    Les avancĂ©es en matiĂšre d’instrumentation astronomique permettent maintenant d’obtenir simultanĂ©ment des millions de spectres sur toute l’étendue d’une galaxie et ce, avec une excellente rĂ©solution spatiale et spectrale. Avec une haute rĂ©solution spatiale, on constate, entre autres, qu’un trĂšs grand nombre de rĂ©gions HII au sein des galaxies proches baignent dans une composante d’émission associĂ©e, de façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, Ă  un gaz ionisĂ© diffus (GID). De telles observations remettent en question nos thĂ©ories sur l’interprĂ©tation des raies d’émission pour la dĂ©termination des paramĂštres du gaz et des populations stellaires associĂ©es aux rĂ©gions HII. Pour Ă©tudier le GID, j’ai analysĂ© des donnĂ©es obtenues avec le spectrographe Ă  champ intĂ©gral OASIS du centre de la galaxie spirale barrĂ©e NGC 5430. Le code GANDALF a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour sĂ©parer dans les spectres la composante nĂ©bulaire et stellaire. Une Ă©tude de l’émission du gaz et des divers rapports de raies a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e pour les rĂ©gions HII et les rĂ©gions dominĂ©es par le GID. Les rĂ©sultats montrent qu’en effet, le GID peut vraiment provoquer des erreurs dans les diagnostics des rĂ©gions HII Ă  cause des rapports de raies Ă©levĂ©s qui le caractĂ©risent. Pour estimer cet effet, j’ai soustrait une composante diffuse reprĂ©sentant le GID Ă  l’ensemble des spectres. AprĂšs cette correction, j’ai obtenu des rapports de raies plus faibles d’en moyenne 5% et 25% pour [NII]/Hα et [SII]/Hα respectivement. Un plus grand nombre de pixels montrent des rapports de raies propres aux rĂ©gions HII aprĂšs la correction. Les Ăąges des populations stellaires des deux rĂ©gions HII dominantes du centre galactique que j’ai trouvĂ© Ă  l’aide des largeurs Ă©quivalentes des raies d’émission Hα et HÎČ sont de 5:80±0:15 Ma et 4:90±0:25 Ma. Le mĂȘme Ăąge a Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ© pour les cas sans et avec correction pour le GID, en partie parce que le GID a un effet complĂ©mentaire sur le calcul de l’extinction. J’ai aussi comparĂ© le comportement du GID dans la galaxie NGC 5430 avec celui du groupe compact de galaxies HCG 31, un objet prĂ©sentant des conditions physiques complĂštement diffĂ©rentes.Advances in astronomical instrumentation allow us to obtain millions of spectra simultaneously over the entire extent of a galaxy with an excellent spatial and spectral resolution. With a high spatial resolution, we find that a large amount of HII regions are surrounded by a component associated to a diffuse ionized gas (DIG). Such observations question theories on the interpretation of emission lines to determinate the parameters of the gas and stellar populations associated to HII regions. To study the DIG, I analyzed data from the integral field spectrograph OASIS of the spiral galaxy NGC 5430. GANDALF software has been used to isolate nebular emission from the stellar absorption. A study of the gas emission and line ratios has been done for HII regions and regions dominated by the DIG. Results show that the DIG can influence diagnosis of HII regions because of strong line ratios that characterize the DIG. To correct this effect, I subtracted a diffuse component representing the DIG in all spectra. After this correction, I obtained weaker line ratios for [NII]/Hα and [SII]/Hα by 5% and 25%, respectively. More pixels show an HII region behavior afterwards. The ages of stellar populations associated to the two main HII regions in the galaxy center, found with the equivalent width of the emission lines Hα and HÎČ, are 5:80 ± 0:15 Myr and 4:90 ± 0:25 Myr. The same age is found for cases with and without correction for the DIG, because the DIG has a complementary effect on the calculation of the extinction. I also compared the DIG behavior in NGC 5430 and in the compact group of galaxies HCG 31, an object showing completely different physical conditions

    Psychological intimate partner violence and childhood cumulative trauma: the mediating role of affect dysregulation, maladaptive personality traits, and negative urgency

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    The current study examined the mediating role of affect dysregulation, maladaptive personality traits, and negative urgency in the association between childhood cumulative trauma (CCT) and psychological intimate partner violence (IPV). A total of 241 men and women from the general population answered self-report questionnaires assessing these variables. Results indicated that 70% of participants reported at least two different types of childhood trauma, while, over the past year, 80% indicated having perpetrated or experienced psychological IPV. Path analyses of a sequential mediation model confirmed that the CCT–IPV association is explained by affect dysregulation, maladaptive personality traits, and negative urgency. These findings support the need to assess affect regulation and personality traits in CCT survivors. Psychosocial interventions should aim to increase self-soothing skills and decrease negative urgency to prevent psychological IPV

    Development of an efficient cis-trans-cis ribozyme cassette to inactivate plant genes

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    Summary Inactivation of a targeted gene is one of the main strategies used to understand their precise cellular role. In plants, apart from chemical or physical mutagenesis and random insertions of DNA elements followed by screening for a desired phenotype, the most common strategy to inhibit the expression of a given gene involves RNA silencing. This can be achieved either through antisense suppression, sense over-expression leading to co-suppression, or expression of double-stranded DNA constructs (dsRNA). The use of ribozymes to inhibit gene product accumulation has only been occasionally attempted, mainly because of the more complex genetic engineering procedure involved, although the specificity of ribozymes can be an important factor when targeting close members of a gene family. We report here the development of a new cis -acting ribozyme cassette for the production of RNAs with desired termini. Attention to many details has been brought in order to provide a powerful procedure for plant application. For example, ultrastable GNRA tetraloops were substituted for both loops II and III of cis -acting hammerhead sequences, thereby favouring folding into the catalytically active structure that results in the self-cleavage of all transcripts. We demonstrate the usefulness of this cassette by producing a ribozyme that cleaves in trans , originally embedded in the cis -acting self-cleaving cassette. The activity of the cistrans-cis construct, was demonstrated both in vitro and in vivo , in transgenic plants with the specific cleavage of an mRNA encoding a 2-oxo-glutarate-dependant dioxygenase predominantly expressed in pistils tissues and in leaves, from the wild potato Solanum chacoense

    Noncanonical splicing junctions between exons and transposable elements represent a source of immunogenic recurrent neo-antigens in patients with lung cancer

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    Although most characterized tumor antigens are encoded by canonical transcripts (such as differentiation or tumor-testis antigens) or mutations (both driver and passenger mutations), recent results have shown that noncanonical transcripts including long noncoding RNAs and transposable elements (TEs) can also encode tumor-specific neo-antigens. Here, we investigate the presentation and immunogenicity of tumor antigens derived from noncanonical mRNA splicing events between coding exons and TEs. Comparing human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and diverse healthy tissues, we identified a subset of splicing junctions that is both tumor specific and shared across patients. We used HLA-I peptidomics to identify peptides encoded by tumor-specific junctions in primary NSCLC samples and lung tumor cell lines. Recurrent junction-encoded peptides were immunogenic in vitro, and CD8+ T cells specific for junction-encoded epitopes were present in tumors and tumor-draining lymph nodes from patients with NSCLC. We conclude that noncanonical splicing junctions between exons and TEs represent a source of recurrent, immunogenic tumor-specific antigens in patients with NSCLC
